The Crystal Bible Volume 2 provides an essential companion reference to the original bible, fully describing the properties of over 200 crystals not found in volume 1. Featuring new information on crystals for energy enhancement and healing grids, the historical use of crystals from biblical times to the present day and the latest updates on geological research, this comprehensive guide offers detailed analysis on the extensive range of new crystals on the market. This book also provides essential information on cleansing crystals, types of crystals and crystal shapes to give the reader extensive knowledge of their chosen stones.

This book may look at first glance to be just another crystal book but it’s not. It’s a excellent reference book for new and rarer crystals which I have to say I have never heard of most of them.

Greenland, Russia and China to name a few countries are exporting more crystals and for most like me, with a keen interest; and unless you take up a degree in geology, little is known about them or their healing properties. This is where this book is a real gem, excuse the pun!

As these crystals are now becoming more easily available to purchase via specialist sites and even ebay. This book will no doubt help you expand your collection with some unusual crystals.

Fantastic names like Tugtupite from Greenland. Glorious coloured crystals such as the blood red crystal of the “blood of Isis”, which is in fact a highest grade Carnelian “gem quality” that was used for protective amulets in many places around the world. High priests used this wonderful stone for attuning to Isis Energy in Egypt and were embedded in their breast plates. This historical information makes the book more interesting.

Some of the crystals featured in volume 2 are quite rare and expensive but Judy has also included not so desirable looking stones, such as a bog standard beach pebble “Flint”. This inclusion is great because all those pretty pebbles which we pick up off the beach, now have a new place among our crystal collection as they also have healing properties.

All in all, I would certainly recommend this book being part of your up to date reference library if you are a keen crystal collector.

The only down side I see for this book and the original, is that healers like to make elixirs. Not all crystals can be placed in water for they react or dissolve, not all crystals are safe because they are toxic.

Whilst I was looking for information on this book, I read a review for the previous book of someone giving a warning about a crystal called Cinnabar and that the author had neglected to put a warning about this crystal. I looked it up and indeed there is no warning. In fact there is a suggestion that this crystal can be handled. Not knowing whether the toxic nature was true, I did some research; and I do have to say Cinnabar is indeed Mercury Sulphide. We all know Mercury is highly toxic yet the author neglects to state this, whether Cinnabar is toxic in crystal form I have no idea but certainly in powdered form it is.

In my opinion even though there are lots of pages prefacing this book which may have some wonderful advice and warnings, we often don’t keep reading these over and over. It would have been better that each crystal entry had a clear warning notation within the table format stating toxic, non toxic, water or no water making this series even more invaluable to the crystal healer.

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A Sealed Fate by Author Lisa Gordon

Product details

Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Godsfield Press; UK ed. edition (6 July 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1841813508
ISBN-13: 978-1841813509
Product Dimensions: 14 x 2.7 x 16.7 cm

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